Please Read Before Continuing on to Textbook Reservation

When you search for your courses, if your textbook says it is INCLUSIVE ACCESS (IA) or EAGLE ACCESS (EA), this means that the course material will be delivered to the student via Blackboard.The pricing that you see for this book online is the DIGITAL PRICE, not the print price. The student will receive an email to their Ashland University email before the start of classes with the subject line of PLEASE READ! Important information about your course materials. Within this email will be important information about how to access the materials, the cost of materials, how to opt out, and any applicable access codes. These materials will be charged to the student account after the drop date of the course.


*Please note, if you add an inclusive access item to your cart, it will be removed. If you wish to order a print copy (we are not able to order print copies for all texts used in inclusive access due to online homework programs being used) please email [email protected] with the following information: Your Name, Student ID number, Course including Section, and Book you want ordered. The price provided on the website is for the DIGITAL PRICE. If you request a print copy, you will be charged the print price.


For rental books please make sure that you input the student ID number with just the 7 digit number like 1234567. Please do not use AU-1234567 or put your phone number. If we do not have a valid student ID number we cannot rent you the book.

Please put the order in the name of the individual who will be picking up the order. This will reduce confusion when the order is picked up.

While we do our best to try and keep used books in stock, we cannot guarantee that we will have used books for every selection. If we do have not used in stock we will substitute the book with a new edition unless notated in the customer comments section not to substitute. If a used option is available, preference in getting used will be given to those based upon the date of the order. The earlier the order the higher probability of getting a used option if available.

If using financial aid please note that financial aid will not be ready for use until 10 days prior to the start of the semester. Please place in comments that you will be using financial aid. We need a valid student ID number if using financial aid. Please use a format similar to 1234567 not AU-1234567. Please do not use your phone number for your ID number.

If payment method is declined we will attempt to contact you once. If you do not return our call within 2 business days we will return your books to the shelf and you will need to place your order again.

We will not store your credit card information in the store or online. If you need to purchase additional books besides what was processed in the textbook reservation you must provide a form of payment.


For information about the American Opportunity Tax Credit please visit

KEEP YOUR RECEIPT. You must provide a receipt in order to return a textbook. If you cannot provide your receipt we are not able to process your refund.